Session After Care
After any type of energy healing session your energetic body will be in a state of flux as it try’s to regulate and integrate to its new frequency. It is important to help assist this process as much as possible.
Sessions Move Energy
During anenergy healing session no matter what kind, from reiki, sound baths, and acupressure to tuning forks all modalities move energy in and around the body. During sessions energy is moved while clearing and balancing the seven major chakra energy centers, along with other minor chakras in and around the body. Blocks and stagnant energy is cleared along the meridians or energetic pathways throughout the body. The energy blocks of trauma or injury are located then is broken up, released, and transmuted. Etheric cords that are no longer serving you are cut and healed. Depending upon how in tune or sensitive you are with your own body, you may be aware of these shifts and some people are not, regardless, changes are taking place and a lot happens!
Session After Care:
Listen to your body and how you feel. It may change throughout the day. You may feel energized and enthusiastic about taking on new projects or tackling old ones. You may feel tired and need rest. You may want to spend your day with a good book. You should follow your bodies lead and give your body what its asking for.
Avoid taking a bath or shower for 12 hours following a session to help energy stabilize. Then within 24 hours, if possible, take a bath. Grab the detox bath soak sample, add all contents of package to the bath along with warm water. Soak in the bath for a minimum of 45 minutes. This helps to cleanse the body energetically as well as remove toxins from the skin, the body’s largest organ for breathing. It is also nurturing and refreshing. If you don’t have access to a bathtub, you can rub the contents of the package on your body in the shower.
3 Days Post Session:
- Avoid alcohol and limit caffeine.
- Drink plenty of water & stay well hydrated.
- Eat healthy meals abundant in vegetables and fruit. Avoid red meat.
- Get adequate rest.
- Exercise moderately/Avoid strenuous workouts.
- Spend time in nature—walk in a park; sit quietly, hike, beach
- Chakra Meditation nightly to clear gunk gathered throughout the day(should be done continuously)
- Minimize screen time.
- Pay attention to how your feeling physically and emotionally. Placing your attention on shifts taking place and insights gained will assist in anchoring new patterns, allowing them to become habit more easily. You may find it helpful to journal impressions that come to you during and following a session.
- Follow personal post session suggestions given to you after your session.
Your session will be beneficial whether you follow these suggestions or not; however, incorporating them into your regimen will allow the energetic realignments set in motion during the session to stabilize and integrate more effectively on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Extend this period beyond three days if you are experiencing a healing reaction (see below) or to incorporate them in support of a healthy lifestyle!
Healing Reactions
After any energy healing treatment you may experience physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, mental/emotional highs and lows, or a temporary intensification of the symptoms of a chronic condition or illness. . Occasionally, pain or discomfort will intensify briefly before releasing. These experiences are sometimes referred to as a Healing Reaction or a Healing Catharsis and are usually an indication that the body is detoxifying as it transfers into a higher frequency. Should this happen, extend the regimen recommended above, taking care to stay well hydrated, get plenty of rest, take another detox bath or detoxifying bath bomb and generally allow yourself some grace.
Such symptoms usually dissipate within a few days. They are more likely to occur if you have not had energy sessions previously, if you have a chronic condition, or if you are chronically stressed. They are typically an indication that more sessions are needed. If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional, as they may be unrelated to the session.
In addition to physical healing, the healing process may bring about realizations that can be deeply emotional. It may bring about the need for life-style changes. It may cause the core values to alter. It may result in significant changes in all areas of life while you progress on your healing journey.
Symptoms are more likely to manifest if:
- has not received healing treatments previously or in a long time
- suffers from a chronic condition, or a condition that has existed for more than three weeks.
- major deep seeded blocks are released.
- has a chronic high level of stress.
- suffers from post-traumatic stress.
Generally, healing crisis do not last more than a few days but can continue for a week or longer.
Consistent Treatments
As with any treatment sought after, lifestyle change or self-care regimen, the greatest benefit from comes with consistent treatment over time. Consider adding regular sessions to your wellness routine. If you would like to learn how to treat yourself, consider taking a class or schedule your next energy healing session now!