Classes Currently Offered

Below you will find a list of classes and courses we offer with a description of each one. Read through and if you see one you are interested or have any questions please feel free to give us a call or email. All classes available virtually as well.

chakra tuning forksChakra Tuning Fork Therapy Class

This Tuning Fork Class will emphasize the use of Chakra Tuning Forks to aid the practitioner in balancing the energy field, and will also include introductions to other tuning fork products.

Each student will gain an understanding of the way sound healing works, the history of the different tuning fork methods, and LOTS of practice time using the tuning forks in various ways. 


Tuning Forks Can Be Used: To

– Assess imbalances in the chakras and the various layers of the biofield
– Restore balance to those affected areas
– Break through persistent energy blockages
– Complement other healing modalities, such as Reiki, Crystals, etc.
– Techniques to use Tuning Forks

Class Cost: $375.00 fee which includes 5 hour workshop, workbook, Certificate AND a set of Chakra Tuning Forks! All Classes are done on a one on one basis I believe it is more beneficial for the student this way. I also offer support and guidance to any questions or concerns that may arise after the class.

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Tuning Fork Therapy Level One Class

tuning fork therapy classes

This Tuning Fork therapy Class will emphasize the use of Weighted Ohm Tuning Forks to aid the practitioner in balancing the energy field, through the bodies acupressure points ,pathways and chakras. It will also include introductions to other Tuning Fork products.

Each student will gain an understanding of the way sound healing works, the history of the different tuning fork methods, Acupressure points, Chakra system, how to perform a tuning fork session, LOTS of practice time using the tuning forks in various ways.

Tuning forks can be used to:

– Relieve Physical Pain

– Remove Toxins

– Balance Nervous System

– Relieve Stress

– Balance Energetic Meridians

– Reduce Inflammation

Class Cost: $375.00 fee which includes 5 hour workshop, workbook, certificate AND a set of Weighted Tuning Forks for each student! All Classes are done on a one on one bases. I believe it is more beneficial for the student this way.   I also offer support and guidance to any questions or concerns that may arise after the class.

Schedule your class today Call Today

Tuning Fork Therapy Level Two Class

tuning fork level 2 class

This Tuning Fork therapy Class is a more advanced class only for students that have been using tuning forks and have completed level one. This class will emphasize the use of weighted ohm tuning forks to aid the practitioner in balancing the energy field in the meridians using acupuncture command points.

Each student will gain an understanding of the way the meridians work, how to diagnose a imbalance, acupressure command points, and how to perform a tuning fork session, LOTS of practice time using the tuning forks in various ways. Students must bring their forks with them. 

Class Cost: $650.00 fee which includes 5 hour workshop, workbook and certificate. All Classes are done on a one on one bases. I believe it is more beneficial for the student this way.   I also offer support and guidance to any questions or concerns that may arise after the class.

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Reiki Healing Classes

Reiki Level One Class

The Reiki Level I works more on the physical level for healing and develops your Reiki channel. After your class you have the ability to work on yourself, family, friends and pets. There should be about a month period before taking Level II to allow the energy to raise your vibration (start the healing process and start releasing energy restrictions in the body) in preparation for Level II. Reiki should be practiced on a daily basis. The Reiki level One Class increases healing energy in your life, enhances personal growth and qualifies you as a Reiki Practitioner.

Level One Class Includes:

History of Reiki Healing

Chakra Clearing, Balancing Meditation

Explanation of how Reiki & Chakras work together

Learn Self Treatment

Clearing Negative Energy

How To Give A Reiki Treatment

Reiki Attunement

Reiki Treatment & Chakra Balancing Session

Class Cost: $300.00 fee which includes four hour class/workshop Reiki level One Manuel, Reiki and Chakra Balancing Session before Reiki Level One Attunement, practice time to feel comfortable giving a Reiki Healing Treatment, Reiki Level One Certificate.  All Classes are done on a one on one bases. I believe it is more beneficial for the student this way.   I also offer support and guidance to any questions or concerns that may arise after the class. Feel free to contact me with any questions about the class.  I offer flexible scheduling to suit your needs. 

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PLEASE NOTE: A discount of $25 is offered if you prepay for both Reiki I and Reiki II training

Reiki Level Two Class

Reiki Level Two works more on the emotional, mental and spiritual level for healing, is a higher vibration energy than Level one and heals on a much deeper level. After completing Level two, you are also able to work with clients. Level two gives you the ability to do distance Reiki healing (including releasing stuck energy in the past and raising the energy for the future). Some students put too much judgment on their readiness to proceed onto Level Two. If you have been practicing on yourself, feel the desire to continue on with the Reiki journey and have noticed changes in your life, you are ready for your Level two class. The Reiki Two Class takes you further into self-discovery and gives you more powerful tools for healing including three sacred Reiki symbols and distance healing.

Level Two Class Includes:

Review Self Treatment Hand Positions – how it has helped you

3 Reiki Symbols and Their Purpose – Practice Drawing

How To Clear & Balance The Chakras

How To Perform A Distance Reiki Session

Practice Giving A Reiki Treatment With The Symbols & Chakra Balancing

Reiki Attunement

Class Cost: $350.00 which includes up to four hour class/workshop, Reiki Level Two Manuel, Reiki and Chakra Balancing Session Before Attunement, Reiki Level Two Attunement, Learn Three Reiki Symbols and How to Use Them, Learn How To Clear and Balance the Chakra, Abundance of practice Time To Integrate The Symbols and Balance the Chakra, How To Perform a Distance Healing Session, and a Reiki Level Two Certificate. All Classes are done on a one on one bases. I believe it is more beneficial for the student this way. I also offer support and guidance to any questions or concerns that may arise after the class. Feel free to contact me with any questions about the class.  I offer flexible scheduling to suit your needs. 

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PLEASE NOTE: A discount of $25 is offered if you prepay for both Reiki One and Reiki Two training

Reiki Level Three & Master Class

Reiki level three and master combines level three and master class together. It works more on the spiritual level for healing, is a higher vibration energy than Level one and two and heals on a much deeper level. After completing Level two, and have gained experience working on clients and want to continue learning and want to share your knowledge of Reiki with others. Students will learn the master symbol, techniques for use and learn how to pass attunements. In this course you will also learn additional healing techniques to enhance healing abilities. This class includes the Reiki Master Attunement, Manuel and Certificate. This class is also done on a one on one basis. 

Cost: $600.00

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We are located in The Slater Mill in Jewett City Connecticut serving all of Connecticut and Rhode Island