Rife Frequency Therapy
Rife therapy is an effective, non-invasive method of healing with sound frequencies. It uses technology first discovered in 1934 by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife hence the name.
Everything, including your body, operates at a vibrating or resonant frequency. Finding the right one with Rife therapy can heal damaged cells. It can also destroy harmful cells and organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and molds.
A Rife Machine uses the principles of Royal Rife, a brilliant scientist who lived during the last century. He discovered that micro-organisms can be destroyed using frequencies.
He performed thousands of experiments, each proving that cancer has a viral cause, and that damaging this virus usually resulted in a cure.
As a final test, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to a San Diego lab and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine cadavers and any patients still alive in 90 days.
After 90 days, the Committee found that 86.5% of the patients had been cured. The treatment was then adjusted, and the remaining patients also responded within four weeks. The total recovery rate was 100%.
Rife theory proposes that the frequencies of harmful cells and microorganisms are measurable and recordable. By increasing the resonant frequency, it’s possible to raise the vibrations to a level that’s intolerable to the target cells. The result is the destruction of harmful cells and improved health.
Dr. Royal Rife In His Lab
Nicola Tesla said that if you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.
Everything in the universe has a vibrating frequency, properly called a resonant frequency.
How does a Rife machine work? The theory, in plain English, can be understood using the analogy of an opera singer who can shatter a crystal glass with her voice. The glass is naturally vibrating at a certain frequency, and when the singer sings a continuous note at that frequency, the glass shatters.
In the same way, each microorganism (fungi, bacteria, virus, parasite, amoeba, mold, etc.) has a unique and specific frequency (or Mortal Oscillatory Rate). When you transmit more of this same frequency to the microorganism, it causes structural stress, and the pathogen is disabled or dies. Rife resonators generate resonance waves that destroy harmful pathogenic organisms without doing any harm to the users.
Rife Frequency Therapy Session
“If the human body is balanced in nutrition and PH it is not susceptible to disease” -Dr. Royal Rife
Rife Frequency Therapy Benefits
Rife frequency therapy is non-toxic and non-invasive
Some Benefits Include:
- Minimal side effects: Most common are minor detox symptoms
- Drug-free treatment
- Fewer viral infections: This is especially important for a patient’s compromised immune system.
- Synergistic use :Drug-free, it can be applied in conjunction with other treatments without risking harmful interactions
- Non-Invasive Approach: It does not involve surgical procedures or the use of pharmaceutical drugs, making it a gentle and low-risk therapeutic option
- Targeted Pathogen Elimination: Rife Therapy focuses on selectively eliminating harmful ones while sparing beneficial ones.
- Minimal Side Effects: Rife Therapy, provided a more comfortable option
- Personalized Targeted Healing: It addresses root problems and promotes overall well-being
- Decrease Pain
- Improve Sleep
- Increase Energy/Reduce Fatigue
- Detoxes Your Body
- Improves Athletic Performance
Personalized Biofeedback Scan
Your first rife frequency therapy session will be a biofeedback scan. A biofeedback scan is a non-invasive assessment technique that measures and analyzes physiological responses from the body to gain insights into an individual’s health and well-being.
Health issues rarely occur in one day.
They usually arise from very tiny ailments that you ignore or have no symptoms at all. Fortunately, a biofeedback scan can find such minuscule signs and address accordingly, so your discomforts will not develop or aggravate into more serious problems.
The scan will help create your personalized and comprehensive solution and deal with multiple health concerns simultaneously.
Biofeedback scans find the right frequencies for the pathogens in your body. The correct frequencies can work miracles.
Biofeedback scans send frequencies into your body, and monitors the results of this. As this sweep is being transmitted, it will stress, injure or kill pathogens. Your body registers these events as stresses, and each one is clearly recorded.
Rife Frequency Pulse is a cardiac monitor capable of detecting the most minute changes in pulse rate. As the scan sweep progresses, it correlates each stress event with the exact frequency that caused it. In Rife, this is called a “hit”. The frequencies which caused these are assembled into a program and personalized report we can save and use to treat the problems found in following sessions. We will then use the biofeedback scan in the treatment course to monitor results and take away frequencies that are no longer needed. We will develop and oversee the treatment plan to determine the appropriate length and frequency of treatment.
Detox Symptoms
When Rife machines kill germs, the cells often burst open. This is a good thing because the germs can no longer multiply. However, any poisons that are contained within the cell are released.
Running detox frequencies often has a similar result. All of us have built-up toxicity in our bodies, acquired over many years of neglect. Detox frequencies are designed to release these toxins into the bloodstream for subsequent removal.
Our bodies have several natural mechanisms to remove these poisons, but it takes a while to eliminate all the toxins and debris. During this time we often have symptoms that include a flu-like condition, heavy perspiration and night sweats, fever, with or without chills, headaches, malaise, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in joints and bones, and itching, flushing, and reddening of the skin. make sure you have a lot of distilled water or lemon juice every day for detoxing.
Just as your health issue didn’t happen overnight, you should not expect an instant recovery. It takes time to gradually kill off undesirable micro-organisms, and remove all the undesirables from your body. But it is always worth your effort.
What’s more, we also have programs to support your detox organs and ease all the loads.
One Hour Session
One Hour Rife & Combo Session
One Hour Distance Session
Price Packages Available
Rife Frequency Therapy Sessions
Rife frequency therapy offers targeted low-impact treatment. It zeroes in on the disease without damaging any surrounding tissue, and it is significantly less intense than the ultrasound used for fetal exams. This rare combination of gentleness and effectiveness makes it a powerful choice for patients. Our Rife machine produces low-energy electromagnetic waves. These are similar to radio waves but you can’t hear them. The machine transmits these electromagnetic frequencies into your body. After Your biofeedback scan we will develop and oversee a treatment plan to determine the appropriate length and frequency of treatment. With every scan done I have seen known and unknown areas of concern listed on the scan report.
Distance Sessions
Albert Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.” Modern physics calls it “quantum entanglement.
Distance healing is becoming increasingly interesting from a scientific perspective. Quantum biology is a field of science that seeks to explain how biological organisms interact beneath the physical and biochemical / neurological level i.e an atomic and subatomic level. The phenomenon of distance healing can be explained by stating the proven 3 central premises of quantum mechanics.
1) Quantum Superposition: a particle can exist in multiple places and states simultaneously.
2) Quantum Entanglement: two particles separated by time and space can act as if they are a single entity and influence each other
3) Wave-particle duality: particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties simultaneously
The quantum field consists of waves and particles and various vibrations and frequencies. Bell’s Theorem also found that waves transmit information across any distance without any dissipation, refraction, interference or information decay. This implies that information is neither transmitted nor received and therefore quantum information is omnipresent. This means at the quantum level, there is no time, no space and therefore there is no distance. It also means there is not past and future.
Protons are essential for numerous biological processes as they are positively charged particles that interact with other molecules to form bonds. Protons play a significant role in cellular respiration, metabolism, and DNA replication, among many others. They help regulate the balance of acidity or alkalinity in the body’s cells, which influences the functions of enzymes and biochemical reactions. In addition, protons are important for cell signaling as they are used by proteins to regulate information flow within and between cells. When the frequency of a particle changes, protons either release or absorb photons. A particle that is more positively charged will release photons and particles that are less positively charged will absorb protons. The photons are light particles. There is no ‘new energy’ being created, transferred or destroyed, there is simply a constant rebalancing process. When particles absorb more photons, they become more energetic and may move faster or take on a higher energy state. This leads to an increase in frequency. This can also lead to changes in the particle’s properties, such as its mass or spin, depending on the type of particle it is. This is important because these invisible subatomic particles form the basis for our neurology and all of our physiological and biochemical processes. They are integral to the way that our cells communicate and carry out their complex functions – from sending signals throughout our bodies to breaking down molecules for energy.
The quantum field in which we all exist has a profound effect on the healing process. As our brain consists of protons entangled with the field, any changes in frequency caused by the healer’s vibrational field will alter the activity of these protons. This alteration affects our DNA structure and thus, every other aspect of our bodies, making protons essential for healing at a quantum level.
For distance sessions all we need is some DNA. You send in fingernail clippings and we can treat you no matter where you are in the world.
Distance Session $69.99
Rife Frequency Therapy And Cancer
It is important to note that any claims of curing cancer or even treating cancer with Rife Therapy are strictly prohibited by the FDA and other State Regulatory agencies. As such we do not treat or claim to treat patients for cancer related treatment of any kind.
That being said we believe it is important for patients to have access to information and resources regarding the history of Rife Therapy and its relationship to cancer. The original research that Dr. Rife claimed to have an effect on cancer has been lost. So only speculation and the reports of the day are left to try and derive what actually transpired. Most publications and online resources claim there is no evidence or research that shows rife therapy has any effect on cancer. However, In 2013 a Landmark study was performed using frequency therapy entitled “Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies” the authors listed their conclusions and stated: “In summary, our clinical results provide strong evidence that the intrabuccal administration of RF EMF amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies is safe and well-tolerated and may lead to long lasting therapeutic responses in patients with advanced cancer. Our in vitro experiments demonstrate that cancer cell proliferation can be targeted using tumor-specific modulation frequencies, which were identified in patients diagnosed with cancer. “
The diagram referenced is above. This is being provided for purely research purposes and our facility or team is not stating either for or against its conclusion, and this paper is not being referenced to promote or validate frequency therapy for the treatment of cancer in any way.
“Tumor-specific modulation frequencies block the growth of cancer cells, modify gene expression, and disrupt the mitotic spindle. Studies are underway to dissect the biophysical mechanism leading cancer cells to respond to specific modulation frequencies identified in patients with a corresponding diagnosis of cancer but not to randomly selected or tumor-specific frequencies identified in other tumor types. Elucidation of this mechanism of action is likely to unveil novel pathways and targets.” This article clearly suggests that the use of such frequencies did indeed have an effect on tumor cells.
The article in it’s entirety can be found here:
Rife Frequency Therapy & Lyme Disease
The most recent well documented successful treatments of Rife technology have been seen in cases of Lyme Disease. Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is a vector-borne disease caused by the Borrelia bacterium, which is spread by ticks in the genus Ixodes. Despite appropriate treatment, about 10 to 20% of those affected develop joint pains, memory problems and tiredness for at least six months. Some researchers believe that the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease will lay dormant in the muscle tissue of those infected, reemerging months or years later and causing recurrent and ongoing infections. It is with this condition that the Rife Therapy is said to have the most profound effect. Focusing on the resonant frequency of the bacteria Borrelia bacterium and destroying it in it’s dormant stage. Treating using Rife Frequency Therapy has helped thousands of people suffering from this condition all over the world.
Research has shown that Targeted Rife Frequency Therapy can also help to treatment parasite infections, viral infections, and affect physiological processes such as sleep, circulation, and many more.