Third Eye Chakra Symbol Painting
Beautifully detailed and metallic accented Third Eye Chakra Symbol Painting.
The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the dimension of light. It is the center of clarity and wisdom.
The Sanskrit name for this Chakra is Ajna, which means “Command”. This refers to the fact that it is the Third Eye Center in which we gain the higher understanding and wisdom that should guide us in each of our actions. An open Third Eye Chakra opens us to both conceptual, intellectual understanding and discrimination. As well as to abstract, spiritual understanding through direct being and experience.
The Third Eye chakra’s symbol meaning is profound in its simplicity. Governed by Krishna, the Hindu god of wisdom. The sixth chakra symbol is the Om. It is positioned over an inverted triangle that is seated within a circle between two lotus petals. Inside the triangle, we see the holy symbol of OM, the source-sound of all creation.. Taken individually, all these elements’ meanings are representative of wisdom.
Similar to the root and throat chakra symbols, the Third Eye symbol’s upside down triangle. This serves a dual purpose in its symbolism. The cone-shaped geometric figure is representative of the channeling of information to the seed. The seed is the point of the triangle from which wisdom blossoms. Similarly, if you look at the triangle from the other direction, the widening sides are indicative of the growth of one’s wisdom that leads to enlightenment.