Square Chakra Candle


Seven Layered Square Chakra Candle

3″ W x 5″ T

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Chakra Balancing Square Chakra Candle

Vibrant square chakra candle with each Color Represents one of your seven major chakras and infused with Reiki Healing Energy 

Each layer is designed to work with your chakras on three levels.
1. Color energy – each is color frequency of the 7 main chakras.
2. Scent – each chakra candle has been scented with delicious essential oils to correspond with each chakra.
3. A place of focus – Lighting a flame to open a mediation or ritual symbolically honors your sacred space. 

This vibrantly color layered chakra candle provide a focus point for meditating. They also scent the air around you with the delicious scents that correspond with your chakras to balance them. Smelling something such as essential oils is the quickest way to ingest them into the body. Chakras are powerful by themselves, but chakra candles, each corresponding to one of the seven, enhance this way of thinking and process

Your Seven Major Front Chakras

  • Muladhara (Root Chakra) – It is located at the base of the spine and colored red. These candles encourage increased vitality and self-confidence and the color symbolizes Earth power.
  • Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) – Located in the lower abdominal region below the navel, its color is orange. The purpose of these candles is to enhance feelings of sensuality and intimacy, as well as promoting creativity and self-expression.
  • Manipura (Solar Plexus) – Its color is yellow, which is thought to be the color of vitality and heightened intelligence. This chakra candle is used to encourage higher thought processes and give you clarity.
  • Anahata (Heart Chakra) – Centered where your heart is, it is meant to symbolize the center of one’s being and emotion. Green represents the heart chakra and the candle draws healing energies and is meant to relieve heartaches and regret, which is thought to open up your soul to possibilities.
  • Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) – Located at the center of the throat, and is associated with the color blue. It corresponds with personal expression, enhancing your ability to listen effectively as well communicate clearly through speech and the written word. Blue is meant to have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Ajna (Third Eye/Brow Chakra) – Located at the center between the eyebrows, it symbolized by Indigo, which is considered to be a very highly spiritual color. Its purpose is to connect us to intuition, spirituality, higher wisdom and greater understanding. 
  • Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) – Located above the crown of the head, it is associated with the color Purple, Pink and White. Purple has been used for thousands of years to denote royalty and higher spiritual wisdom. This chakra is considered to be the purest state of consciousness, as it increases creative imagination, heightens intuition and promotes greater understanding.

Comes with instructions on how to balance your chakras with this candle

Additional information

Weight 64 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

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