Crown Chakra Candles


Chakra Balancing Candles

Clear, Balance & Heal The Crown Chakra


Connection Crown Chakra Candles

The color violet crown chakra candle is associated with the crown or Sahasrara chakra. The crown chakra is located on the top of the head. It is symbolized by a lotus with one thousand petals. Sahasrara is your connection with divine spirit, the inflow of your soul energy. Our Spiritual Connector. The crown chakra represents spirituality, Oneness and Connectiveness. Use its energy to increase Wisdom, Awareness and Higher Self. Violet energy aids in purifying our thoughts and giving us inspiration and inner strength. Crown Chakra Candles are ideal for use in chakra balancing ,sacred spaces, for meditation, or to create a warm and relaxing environment.

When the Crown chakra has an imbalance, it can manifest as:

  • Being disconnected to spirit, constant cynicism regarding what is sacred
  • On the opposite side, an overactive crown chakra could manifest as a disconnection with the body
  • Living in your head, being disconnected from your body and earthly matters
  • Obsessive attachment to spiritual matters
  • Closed-mindedness

Crown Chakra Candles are made for clearing, healing and opening the crown chakra allowing you to have a strong connection to your intuition, spirituality, life’s purpose and higher self. They also help to clear out old blocks and emotional trauma that are holding you back.

This violet candle contains a unique blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Jasmine, and Lavender to help clear and open the Chakra.  Each Candle has been handcrafted from the finest wax infused with exotic blends of essential oils and Reiki Healing Energy.

All Candles come with information on the chakra and directions for use of the candle.

All Candles are handmade in the U.S.A. We use only top quality ingredients and they are Infused with Reiki and intention before shipping

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Large, Medium, Small


Crown Chakra

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