Sacral Chakra Candles


Creativity Sacral Chakra Candles

Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy and Color Therapy


Creativity Sacral Chakra Candles

These Sacral Chakra Candles are orange and associated with the Svadhishthana chakra. The Sacral Chakra is the seat of all creativity, sexuality and reproductive systems. The essentials oils infused in this candle have the potential for balancing your chakra. Ylang ylang awakens subtle sensual pleasures in you; some consider it an aphrodisiac. The sandalwood scent stimulates your imagination and elevates your sexual energy to spiritual levels. Jasmine harmonizes sensual and emotional aspects of our being and awakens our passion for creativity.

The Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, represents our ability to balance emotions. Balancing this chakra helps with feeling a sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, & sexuality.

Signs of a blocked Sacral Chakra

  • lack of creativity.
  • repetitive dysfunctional relationships. …
  • lack of motivation.
  • lack of sexual appetite or unpleasant sexual intercourse.
  • emotional confusion.
  • you feel unimportant.
  • you think nobody loves you.
  • you think you are unaccepted by those around you or by the society.
  • Boredom.
  • Feeling easily offended.
  • Lack of creative inspiration.
  • Fear of change.
  • Guilt about the past.
  • Low self-worth.
  • Jealousy.

All Candles Come With Information On The Chakra and Instruction On Use.

These Candles are a great addition to any healing or spiritual practice, for use in meditation or to just create a relaxing environment.

All Candles are handmade in the U.S.A. We use only top quality ingredients and they are Infused with Reiki and intention before shipping


Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 6 in

Large, Medium, Small


Sacral Chakra

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