Large Chakra Candles


Large Chakra Candles

Infused with Herbs and Crystals

8 oz. Tins

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Healing Energy Large Chakra Candles

Large chakra candles inspired by the seven chakras- the energy centers of the body- these hand-poured candles will infuse any room with blissful scents of pure essential oil blends. Each one of the large chakra candles are topped herbs and flowers in a crescent moon shape along with crystals for each chakra to open, balance, heal and protect the chakra. Each candle is designed to invoke a healing experience aligned with the energy that resonates through each Chakra. Use the candles to focus meditation, to aid relaxation, or simply to elevate your space with a sense of balance.

These large chakra candles combine color therapy with aromatherapy and are a great way to enhance energy healing sessions and meditations. The color and fragrance blend of each candle are designed to enhance specific healing energies. Large chakra candles are used during sessions of intense focused and powerful meditations. These large chakra candles are infused with herbs in the shape of a crescent moon and crystals associated with each chakra.

Red – Root Chakra – Your grounding and balance center

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is responsible for your sense of security, safety and survival. It is associated with basic needs as food, shelter, sleep and material safety.  It is the main and fundamental center of energy in our body. Its function is to provide the source of prana for other chakras. Its your connection to earth and all the other chakras. It activates, clears and strengthens the foundation of physical and spiritual energy in the body.

If your root chakra is too closed (or blocked) it might be very hard to feel safe in the world and every decision in your life looks like a potential risk. Very often a person with blocked first chakra is under control of their own fear. On the other hand when your root chakra is overactive then fear might turn into paranoia or greed.

Orange – Sacral Chakra – Your creativity & sexual drive center

The Sacral Chakra is the seat of all creativity, sexuality and reproductive systems. The essentials oils infused in this candle have the potential for balancing your chakra. Ylang ylang awakens subtle sensual pleasures in you; some consider it an aphrodisiac. The sandalwood scent stimulates your imagination and elevates your sexual energy to spiritual levels. Jasmine harmonizes sensual and emotional aspects of our being and awakens our passion for creativity.

The Sacral Chakra, located in the lower abdomen, represents our ability to balance emotions. Balancing this chakra helps with feeling a sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, & sexuality.

Yellow – Solar Plexus Chakra – Your Self-esteem and Success center

Yellow is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra also called Manipura. This chakra is located about 2 inches above the naval.  The Solar Plexus is your center for vitality, health, and personal strength.  

This is your center for your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable. It strongly influences your identity and sense of self worth. Imbalances can take on polar opposites ranging from low self-esteem all the way to selfish behavior.

Our Solar Plexus Chakra Candle was created to promote Emotional Support, Confidence, and Personal Power. The Solar Plexus Chakra (The Manipura) is your Power Center located just above your belly button. It is the center of motivation where we set our intentions and desires. When the power chakra is balanced, one achieves goals, is self-confident, and has strong motivation and direction. It is associated with our physical center, personal power, desire, inner-strength, emotions, instincts, and gut feelings.

Green – Heart Chakra – The balancing & love center

 This Chakra is the center of our emotional being. Emotions are powerful expressions in the human experience that can consume our thinking and our energies. The Heart Chakra is closely connected to love and your emotion but also integration and compassion. The main meanings associated with the fourth chakra are love for oneself and other people, relationships, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance and transformation. It is the center of awareness. Your ability to give and receive love from yourself, others and the Universe is held in your Heart Chakra.

Typical signs your heart chakra is functioning at its best is that you are open to giving and receiving love unconditionally. Lack of empathy, jealousy, being close to others may be typical symptoms when your heart chakra is blocked. Past pain, loss and regret can cause your Heart Chakra to close. Forgiveness of yourself and others is the key to opening your Heart Chakra back up. The heart chakra allows us to transform negative emotions into positive ones.

Blue – Throat Chakra – The perception the world has for you center

Your Throat Chakra is your bodies center for speaking your true self your truth. Throat Chakra represents your sense for self-expression, expression of truth, creative expression and communication. This fifth chakra is center of energy between the head and lower parts of the body and it is responsible for self-expression and communication. The throat chakra is associated with the ability to express your truth, to speak out, good sense of timing and also verbal and non-verbal communication. It is also about your connection to your spirit. The scents of Rose, Frankincense, Gardenia, Jasmine and eucalyptus are particularly beneficial to the throat chakra.  These scents will calm you and loosens tensions held in the throat. Eucalyptus clears and widens the chakra, giving you confidence to communicate your truth. The power of the spoken words to express your true self resides in the throat chakra. Use these candles to help balance your chakras. Throat Chakra Candles are ideal for use in sacred spaces, for meditation, chakra rebalancing and to create a warm and relaxing environment.

Indigo – Third Eye Chakra – Your intuition and perspective to the world center

The color is associated with the Third Eye or Anja chakra and represents true vision or clear seeing.  When this energy center is aligned it promotes heightened intuition, psychic abilities and a detached perception. In order for energy to flow smoothly through the body the 7 main energy centers need to be balanced. The chakra of the third eye is said to be the center of psychic power and higher intuition. It is sometimes referred to as the “mind’s eye,” and helps us to see things in various perspectives (physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.). Your true self is capable of attracting the resources, power, and compassion you need in order to bring forth your destiny

Purple – Crown Chakra – Your connection to the divine

The color violet crown chakra candle is associated with the crown or Sahasrara chakra. The crown chakra is located on the top of the head. It is symbolized by a lotus with one thousand petals. Sahasrara is your connection with divine spirit, the inflow of your soul energy. Our Spiritual Connector. The crown chakra represents spirituality, Oneness and Connectiveness. Use its energy to increase Wisdom, Awareness and Higher Self. Violet energy aids in purifying our thoughts and giving us inspiration and inner strength. Crown Chakra Candles are ideal for use in chakra balancing ,sacred spaces, for meditation, or to create a warm and relaxing environment.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in

Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra, Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra

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