Heart Chakra Candles


LOVE Heart Chakra Candles

Chakra Balancing Aromatherapy and Color Therapy

Designed To Heal The Heart Chakra

SKU: HCC-333996 Categories: , Tags: , , Brand:


Love Heart Chakra Candles

Beautiful green heart chakra candles are associated with your fourth or Anahata Chakra. This Chakra is the center of our emotional being. Emotions are powerful expressions in the human experience that can consume our thinking and our energies. The Heart Chakra is closely connected to love and your emotion but also integration and compassion. The main meanings associated with the fourth chakra are love for oneself and other people, relationships, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance and transformation. It is the center of awareness. Your ability to give and receive love from yourself, others and the Universe is held in your Heart Chakra.

Typical signs your heart chakra is functioning at its best is that you are open to giving and receiving love unconditionally. Lack of empathy, jealousy, being close to others may be typical symptoms when your heart chakra is blocked. Past pain, loss and regret can cause your Heart Chakra to close. Forgiveness of yourself and others is the key to opening your Heart Chakra back up. The heart chakra allows us to transform negative emotions into positive ones.

The scents of Rose, Jasmine, Frankincense, and Sandalwood all open the heart chakra and allow the healing process to begin. Use heart chakra candles to bring greater focus to your energy healing work, during meditation or to just create a relaxing environment. Cleanse and balance the chakras often to promote wellness in body, mind and spirit.

All Candles come with information on the chakra and directions on using the candle to balance your heart chakra.

All Candles are handmade in the U.S.A. We use only top quality ingredients and they are Infused with Reiki and intention before shipping

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Large, Medium, Small


Heart Chakra

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